There are many times when amongst the constant distraction and multiple tuggings of social networking I found it very hard to concentrate and do some writing. Barely, a minute would pass by before I would minimize my app and once again check out what everyone else is doing. That was when I came across the wonderful app Ommwriter. Yet just like everything else, it was just for the Mac.
So, taking the matter into my own hands I decided to code an app which could do something atleast similar to my inspiration. After toiling hard for some time I finally present to you the fruits of my labour: “NAN - Not Another Notepad ” I believe it captures the essence of creating a writing experience, sprinkled with a dash of modernity. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. (Which, admittedly, was not very much ;) )
How to use NAN ?
Click the image to enlarge.
This is the default view when you open NAN. It consists of a text field which is for typing in text and a toolbar in the side which is for performing certain operations. Pretty Simple, Eh?
How can I hack it ?
Where's the thrill in a program in which you cannot change what you want. Although I'm working on adding a preferences dialog, in the meantime, you can use a quick-hack to change both the music and the background image.
See? I quite enjoy making other people work.
Are u a Geek ?
Is long syntax commands your perfect cup of tea ? Then you are exactly what we nee. Then do join the NAN team at Sourceforge Net. Contribute to the project
Q: Will NAN support X and X feature in the future ?
A: NO. NAN is supposed to be a minimalistic editor. So, in keeping tune with that it'll support only the bare basic functionality of a text editor.
Q: Is NAN the 42nd greates invention in the world ?
A: Yes. The 41th being Wikipedia.
Questions will be added as they are frequently asked here.
Wanna say Hello ?
email: gautham [dot] go @ gmail [dot] com
I can’t believe you made it this far. Excellent job, and thank you. I’ll shut up now, run along and start working !
Download the latest version of NAN
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